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Manuale Utente (Inglese)

Telegram notifications

Keenetic RMM allows subscribers to subscribe to real-time notifications of critical site events. Notifications are sent via the secure and reliable messenger Telegram. You need a registered Telegram account to use this feature.

To subscribe to notifications, go to “Notifications” in the sidebar menu and click “Subscribe”. 


If you have the web version of Telegram installed, select "Automatically".

If you have a mobile version of Telegram installed, select "Manually".


To customize notifications, go to the “Subscriptions” tab and turn on events that are important to you. 



All notifications — turn on this toggle to receive all available notifications

Backup connection status change — the status of a backup connection in a site changes to Online/Offline

Primary connection status change — the status of a primary connection in a site changes to Online/Offline

Internet connection switch — the primary connection in a site switches to the backup connection or vice versa

Extender addition — the extender is added to a site

Site OS update — the KeeneticOS of a site updates successfully or with an error

Site reboot — a site reboots successfully or with an error

Site going back online — the status of a site changes to Online

Site lost connection to Internet — the status of a site changes to Offline or Warning

Node OS update — the KeeneticOS of a node updates successfully or with an error

Node reboot — a node reboots successfully or with an error

Node going back online — the status of a node changes to Online

Node lost connection to Internet — the status of a node changes to Offline or Warning

SMS reception — the router receives an SMS

Client registration change — the client becomes registered or unregistered

Unregistered client connection — the unregistered client connects to a site

Registered client connection — the registered client connects to a site

Unregistered client disconnection — the unregistered client disconnects from a site

Registered client disconnection — the registered client disconnects from a site

Client renaming — the name of the client changes

Team member addition — the team member accepts an invitation to the team