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Manuale Utente (Inglese)

List of Supported 4G/3G USB Modems

Keenetic routers using the latest KeeneticOS releases or preview versions available through the online component update system support the following 3G/4G USB modem models when connected to the USB port.

Note the comments on some modems, which notify you from which version of KeeneticOS the particular modem is supported and which OS component you need to install additionally.

There are several ways to install the latest release or KeeneticOS:

Explanation of the symbols used in the table:

  • '' modem supports the respective function

  • '-' the modem does not support the respective function


The vast majority of 4G/3G USB modems from the list, and first of all the most mass models, were tested for compatibility in our lab and, as a rule, do not require additional settings change. However, we cannot guarantee that modem vendors will not produce models with the same or similar name, hardware or software (some modems update their own firmware independently) that differ from those we tested. Therefore, the list does not provide a full guarantee of compatibility. In addition, we cannot guarantee support for modems upgraded with 3rd-party firmware. Please inform us of all such cases through the e-mail


Please note that there are no hardware and software restrictions on the number of simultaneously connected USB modems to Keenetic routers, however, we do not guarantee proper operation if several modems receive overlapping settings from the operator's network. To connect multiple modems to a single USB port, we recommend using a USB hub with its own power supply.