Keenetic remote monitoring and management
Remote Monitoring and Management System (RMM)
Keenetic RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management) is a cloud-based, multi-site remote monitoring and management system specifically designed for small and medium-sized businesses to help maintain critical sites and infrastructure 24/7
It enables centralised monitoring of the status of all nodes at any time from anywhere in the world. The Keenetic RMM service is accessed through a web browser, allowing cross-platform operation from any type of device and operating system.
Keenetic RMM is developed for Keenetic devices with KeeneticOS version 3.7.5
or higher (all models with index KN-XXXX
, produced since 2018
Keenetic RMM offers features that allow you to manage your sites faster, more conveniently and efficiently:
Add routers remotely by service tag or KeenDNS address
Get seamless access to the web interface of each node
Stay informed and receive timely notifications of critical site events with real-time alerts delivered via Telegram messenger
Create teams and customise access for each member to manage shared sites together
View detailed and up-to-date information on each site, node and client device, no public IP address or additional firewall configuration is required
Update or reboot multiple Keenetic devices simultaneously or in batches using group operations
Keep track of key network events that occur on your sites and the actions your team takes in the event log
Find all your monitored sites, nodes and client devices with a simple and intuitive global search function
Personalize your Keenetic RMM interface by choosing a light or dark theme
Use single Keenetic Account to access the Help Centre website, the Keenetic RMM cloud service and the Keenetic Mobile application.

Keenetic RMM is under active development and we have great plans for its growth. We appreciate feedback from users to our technical support engineers or directly to developers, so that we can quickly find bugs and fix them as soon as possible.
There is a special section in our Community Forum where you can leave your questions, feedback, first impressions about our product, as well as discuss development plans or suggest new features.
Getting started
A Site is the main entity in Keenetic RMM, so adding a new site is necessary to start working with the system.
A Site is Keenetic routers, combined into a Wi-Fi System, creating a seamless network throughout your home or office.
A Site always consists of a Controller, the main Keenetic router. In the case of a Wi-Fi system, it can also include Extenders — Keenetic devices in an additional operating mode. These Extenders are connected to the Controller over Wi-Fi via mesh or wired connection.
After adding a Site to Keenetic RMM, you can access the Nodes and Clients sections.
The term “Nodes” refers to Keenetic routers; both Controllers and Extenders appear in the list.
The term “Clients” refers to client devices connected to Keenetic routers either via Wi-Fi (smartphone, tablet, laptop, TV, etc.) or wired (PC, NAS, webcams, etc.).
Keenetic RMM offers seamless access to the web interface of Keenetic router when following conditions are met:
Access to the web interface from the Internet is enabled on the router
KeeneticOS version
or higher is installed on the router. For extenders: KeeneticOS3.7
or higher is installed on the controllerThe router is powered on and has an “Online” status
SSL certificate is valid
There are currently no update or reboot tasks running on the router
Keenetic RMM also offers features that allow for faster, more convenient, and efficient management and monitoring of sites:
Adding and Importing sites
Site details page
Telegram notifications
KeeneticOS update and reboot of nodes
Operations with clients
Event Log
To log in to Keenetic RMM, go to
Then, click “Log in | Sign up” to access the Keenetic RMM.

Login is performed through the unified user authentication service Keenetic Account.
If you do not have a Keenetic account, please refer to the Keenetic Account article.
Two-factor authentication is available in Keenetic Account. Activating two-factor authentication is not mandatory. It is an advanced security feature, in addition to your regular login and password.
If you forgot your password, use the password recovery form by clicking on “Forgot password?”.
You can log in to your Keenetic account in several ways, choose the one that works best for you:
Login and Password combination. Use your Keenetic Account
as your login.Access via a previously created Google, Facebook or Apple account.
If you have a Google, Facebook, or Apple account, you can connect to Keenetic Account using one of these accounts instead of registering. In this case, the registration process will take less time, and you will not need to go through the e-mail confirmation step.
Site addition
To add a site, click “Add site” on the Sites page or in the sidebar menu:

There are two ways of adding a site:
Via “Service tag”, printed on the Keenetic device label, or you can find it on the System dashboard page in the Status menu of the device's Web Interface. It is a 15-digit identification code
.Via “KeenDNS address” — a convenient domain name service for remote access. To connect and configure KeenDNS, follow the KeenDNS service article.
Next, enter the login and password for your Keenetic device.
You can also assign a name to a site by entering it in the Site name field. If the field is left blank, the site is assigned the name of your Keenetic device.

For using the Keenetic RMM, the KeeneticOS version of your Keenetic device should be 3.7.5
or higher.
Note that Extenders not registered in the Keenetic Account before are automatically covered by the warranty programme when a Controller of a Mesh Wi-Fi system is imported into the Keenetic RMM.
Sites importing
You can import devices registered in a Keenetic Account into Keenetic RMM. To import, click "Import sites" on the main page or in the sidebar menu:

Select the sites you want to import into the Keenetic RMM:

Once selected, click "Confirm". After the import is complete, all imported sites appear on the Sites page with the status “Confirmation of rights required”.

Click the "Confirm rights" button in the list of sites or in the context menu and enter the controller login and password. This step should be done for each imported site.

After entering your login and password, click "Confirm". You will now have full access to the site's management and monitoring.
For using the Keenetic RMM, the KeeneticOS version of your Keenetic device should be 3.7.5
or higher.
Note that Extenders not registered in the Keenetic Account before are automatically covered by the warranty programme when a Controller of a Mesh Wi-Fi system is imported into the Keenetic RMM.
Site detail page
To get to the Site detail page, click on the Site name on the Sites page or the Details option in the context menu.
On the Site detail page you can get information about various important parameters, such as:
the status and speed of Internet connections,
the parameters of the CPU and RAM load of the controller,
the number of the connected clients,
the detailed information on each connection,
the graphs of traffic consumption by the clients and connection types,
the distribution of the connected clients by the segments.
You can also "seamlessly
" (with a single click) navigate to the web interface of the site's controller. Here you can find out how to set up access from the Internet to the web interface.
Site detail page consists of 4 tabs:
Dashboard — displays important and up-to-date information for monitoring the status of the site. The information is available in different views.

The top panel consists of the site status, the number of connected nodes and clients online, as well as CPU and RAM parameters of the controller, which are instantaneous current values. You can read more about site statuses and errors here.
Traffic distribution chart for the last
1 hour
,3 hours
, and1 day
is available in 2 views:Clients — traffic distribution for registered clients only. Unregistered clients are displayed as “Unregistered clients traffic”. If you want to register a client, you can do it via the Keenetic web interface.
Connection type — traffic distribution for wireless and wired connections.
If the reboot coincides with the controller's unavailability, the data in the interface is displayed from the moment the controller becomes available.
Client distribution chart in real-time is available in 2 views:
Segments — distribution of the online clients by the network segment. By default, the Home segment is activated on all Keenetic devices. If you want to create more segments, you can do it in the Keenetic web interface.
Connection type — distribution of the registered online clients over wireless and wired connections.
CPU/RAM values are plotted based on the last
1 hour
,3 hours
, and1 day
of data for the site's controller. The graph shows the maximum values for a given time period.Connections block shows all your controller's available connections and connection parameters. If your controller has more than 1 connection (for example, a backup channel via a 4G modem), this connection is also displayed in this block. The speed graph for a connected Internet connection is based on the last
1 hour
,3 hours
, and1 day
. You can read more about how to connect to the Internet here.
In the Nodes tab, you can see all Keenetic devices included in your site — their statuses, models, clients connected to each node, and technical parameters. You can also customize the display of columns and sort and filter the data in the Nodes table.

In the Clients tab, you can see all registered and unregistered client devices connected to your site and their technical parameters. You can also customize the display of columns and sort and filter the data in the Clients table.

The Information tab stores details for quick communication with the contact responsible for the site.

The page consists of two blocks that can be filled in:
Address — for example, the actual address of the controller location.
Description — here, you can add any useful information for communication, such as name, phone number, e-mail, and necessary comments to this contact.
Telegram notifications
Keenetic RMM allows subscribers to subscribe to real-time notifications of critical site events. Notifications are sent via the secure and reliable messenger Telegram. You need a registered Telegram account to use this feature.
To subscribe to notifications, go to “Notifications” in the sidebar menu and click “Subscribe”.

If you have the web version of Telegram installed, select "Automatically".
If you have a mobile version of Telegram installed, select "Manually".

To customize notifications, go to the “Subscriptions” tab and turn on events that are important to you.

All notifications — turn on this toggle to receive all available notifications
Backup connection status change — the status of a backup connection in a site changes to Online/Offline
Primary connection status change — the status of a primary connection in a site changes to Online/Offline
Internet connection switch — the primary connection in a site switches to the backup connection or vice versa
Extender addition — the extender is added to a site
Site OS update — the KeeneticOS of a site updates successfully or with an error
Site reboot — a site reboots successfully or with an error
Site going back online — the status of a site changes to Online
Site lost connection to Internet — the status of a site changes to Offline or Warning
Node OS update — the KeeneticOS of a node updates successfully or with an error
Node reboot — a node reboots successfully or with an error
Node going back online — the status of a node changes to Online
Node lost connection to Internet — the status of a node changes to Offline or Warning
SMS reception — the controller receives an SMS
Client registration change — the client becomes registered or unregistered
Unregistered client connection — the unregistered client connects to a site
Registered client connection — the registered client connects to a site
Unregistered client disconnection — the unregistered client disconnects from a site
Registered client disconnection — the registered client disconnects from a site
Client renaming — the name of the client changes
Team member addition — the team member accepts an invitation to the team
Site and node statuses
Keenetic RMM provides several statuses for sites and nodes to track their health and react quickly to changes.
The statuses are displayed on the Sites and Nodes pages and, with an extended description, on the Site detail page.

| Description | Colour |
Online | The site/node is available. Note, that data is updated periodically. | Green |
Offline | The site/node is not available. | Red |
Loading | The site data is loading. Please wait, this may take some time. Note that this is the controller's initial status until the connection is established. | Grey |
Confirmation of rights required | The confirmation of access rights is required. Click the “Confirm rights“ button and enter the node login and password. Until the rights are confirmed, the node data doesn't get updated in the Keenetic RMM. | Grey |
Extender mode not supported | Extender added as site isn’t supported in the Keenetic RMM. Please, use the Keenetic device in the router mode when adding a site. | Grey |
Pending activation | Waiting for the isp-locked controller activation. | Blue |
Unknown network error | Please contact our Support. | Yellow |
Unknown response error | Please contact our Support. | Yellow |
Access denied | Reset the node to factory settings, or delete the node and add it again. | Yellow |
KeenDNS not found | KeenDNS may have been changed recently. Check KeenDNS against the address displayed in the node's web interface. | Yellow |
SSL connection failed | Failed to establish a secure connection to the node. Please contact our Support. | Yellow |
Timeout error | Failed to connect to the node within a set time interval. Check the quality of the Internet connection and try again. | Yellow |
KeeneticOS version not supported | Please, update KeeneticOS to the latest version. | Yellow |
Cloud component not installed | Cloud-based remote control and KeenDNS component is not installed on the node. Install the component and update the KeeneticOS to the latest version. | Yellow |
Temporarily unavailable | Please wait for a while or reboot the node. If the status doesn't change after that, contact our Support. | Yellow |
Connection failure | Unstable connection between the extender and the controller. Check the quality of the connection and try again. | Yellow |
Reboot | The site/node reboot is started from the Keenetic RMM interface. Please wait for a while. | Purple |
OS update | The KeeneticOS update is started from the Keenetic RMM interface. Please wait for a while. | Purple |
If you have problems with your Keenetic device or connection to the Internet, you can send a self-test file to our Support for diagnostics.
KeeneticOS update and reboot of sites and nodes
Keenetic RMM allows you to update KeeneticOS to the latest available version from a pre-selected channel. You can learn how to set up the update channel here.
KeeneticOS update for nodes
KeeneticOS update availability is displayed on the Nodes page using an icon and colour indication.
To update a node, click the icon and confirm the action.
For the best Mesh Wi-Fi System performance, it is recommended that all nodes run the same KeeneticOS version.
A group update feature is available for convenience. To update a group of Keenetic devices, select the nodes for which the update is available and click the "Update OS" button in the group operations menu.

KeeneticOS update for sites
To update a site, click the "Update OS" button in the context menu and confirm the action.
To update a group of sites, select the sites and click the "Update OS" button in the group operations menu.

A KeeneticOS update is available for a Site if the KeeneticOS version of the Controller is 4.0
or higher.
Once the update has started, you are redirected to the Tasks page to track the status of the OS update.

Node reboot
To reboot a node, click the "Reboot" button in the context menu and confirm the action. Reboot is available for both Wi-Fi System Controllers and Extenders.
A group reboot feature is available for convenience. Select the nodes you want to reboot and click the “Reboot” button in the group operations menu.

If the KeeneticOS version of the Controller is 3.8 Alpha 1
or higher, the Wi-Fi system's Extenders can be rebooted.
Site reboot
To reboot a site, click on the context menu, select “Reboot” and confirm the action.
A group reboot feature is available for convenience. Select the sites you want to reboot and click the “Reboot” button in the group operations menu.

If the KeeneticOS version of the Controller is 3.8 Alpha 1
or higher, the Site can be rebooted.
Once the reboot has started, you are redirected to the Tasks page to track the reboot status.