The Keenetic app for Android and iOS mobile devices is designed to easily manage Keenetic routers, whether a single device or the entire Whole Home Wi-Fi System and their home network. Thanks to cloud technology, your Keenetic devices will be accessible not only from your home network but also in any place where your smartphone or tablet has Internet access. A public IP address is not required.
You can add a router in any operating mode (Router, Adapter, Repeater/Extender, Access point/Extender) to the app and manage it remotely.
The app automatically searches for a router on your local network and prompts you to add it. It is also possible to add a remote Keenetic using a special CID (CloudID) in the app. You can find more information on how to do this in the article 'Adding a router remotely via CID'.
Check your router's KeeneticOS version (must be 3.1
or higher) and make sure 'Keenetic Cloud service for mobile applications' is enabled in your device settings. You can find more information on how to do this in the article Main reasons for incorrect functioning of the Keenetic application and their solutions.
Connect the router to a power source via the power adapter supplied. Once the router has booted up, its Status LED (far left) should illuminate and not blink (this means that the router is switched on and ready to use).
Install the Keenetic app on your mobile device.
Create a user account for the Keenetic application.
Connect your mobile device to the router's Wi-Fi network.
The Wi-Fi network name and password for the connection can be found on the device's bottom label. For example:
Switch on the Wi-Fi network on your mobile device, and in the list of available networks, find your network whose name is on the label and click on it. In our example, this is the
network.Enter the Wi-Fi password to connect to the network; this is also shown on the label, and tap 'Connect'.
Launch the app, log in to your Keenetic account or create one if you don't have it. Then, on the Sites screen, tap 'Add Keenetic'.
If you are connected to your router's network, the app automatically searches it for Keenetic devices.
Tap on the detected device.
Use the router administrator name (
) and password, as in the web interface. Then tap 'Add'.Importante
By default,
no administrator password
is set in Keenetic routers. A user must set it during the initial setup. If you do not know or have forgotten the administrator password, use the Reset button on the router to reset it to factory settings.If the connection were successful, the router would be added to the app.
If you are unable to add a router in the Keenetic app for some reason, we recommend that you reset your router to factory settings and then repeat the procedure to add a router.
For information on adding a remote router, see the article: Adding a router remotely via CID.
There is also an option of adding a Keenetic router via the Keenetic Cloud web portal.
The Keenetic mobile application allows you to add a new Keenetic by CID (CloudID). You can find the CID of your Keenetic in the web interface, on the 'General System Settings' page, in the 'Keenetic Cloud Service' section.
To avoid mistakes when entering a CID, copy it to the clipboard.

If you add a Keenetic to the application remotely via CID, the administrator password must be set on the router
; otherwise, the connection will not be established.
Start the application and click 'Add Keenetic' on the Sites screen.

Before you start adding your Keenetic devices, make sure it is turned on and ready to use.
On the 'Local search' screen, click 'Add remotely'.

Enter the CID of your Keenetic or paste it from the clipboard and click 'Search'.

To connect to the Keenetic, use the same router administrator name and password as the web interface. Then click 'Add'.

On successful connection to the router, it will be added to the application.

You will find another way to add a router in the article Adding a router locally.
There is also an option of adding a Keenetic router via the Keenetic Cloud web portal.
The Keenetic app allows you to configure your Internet connection, update the router firmware, and reconfigure Wi-Fi (change the preset Wi-Fi network name and password). All this can be done without a computer — a smartphone or tablet is enough. After the initial setup, the Keenetic app becomes a handy tool for managing your home network. You can find out the status of your Internet connection, switch on or off the guest access point, and control all home devices connected to the router. For each of them, you can limit the speed, ban Internet access completely or on a schedule, forward necessary ports, enable Internet filters like SafeDNS or AdGuard DNS to protect home devices from dangerous sites and other threats, set up notifications that allow you to receive information about events on the router in a convenient way for you.
Thanks to cloud technology, management with the Keenetic app is available from your home network and anywhere your mobile device has the Internet. The app will remember all your routers and allow you to connect to them without passwords and logins from anywhere worldwide (even if there is no public IP address on the router's WAN interface).
To configure and connect to your router, you need to follow the steps below:
Install the Keenetics app from Google Play (Android), App Store (iOS) or AppGallery (Huawei) on your mobile device.
Keenetic mobile app is designed for devices with KeeneticOS version
and higher (all Keenetic models withKN-XXXX
index).Connect from your mobile device to your Keenetic's Wi-Fi network.
The Wi-Fi network name and password for connection are on a sticker on the back of the router case. For example:
Switch on the Wi-Fi network on your mobile device, and in the list of available networks, find your network, the name of which is indicated on the sticker, and click on it. In our example, this is the
network.Enter the Wi-Fi password, which is also indicated on the sticker, to connect to the network and press 'Connect'.
Launch the Keenetic app.
For the mobile application to work, you need to create a user account. How to do this is shown in the instructions for Creating an account in the Keenetic app.
After successfully logging into the account, you need to 'Add Keenetic' to the app.
If the router is not already configured, make the initial connection and configure the router via the web interface.
If the router is already connected to your ISP's network and has Internet access, follow the Adding a router locally instructions to add the router.
Click on the entry of the discovered device.
To connect to the router settings, use the router administrator name (
) and password as in the web interface. Then click 'Add'.Importante
The router's administrator password is not set by default; it is set by the user during initial configuration. If you do not know or have forgotten the administrator password, in this case, perform a factory reset using the Reset button on the router.
If you successfully connect to Keenetic, it will be added to the application.
If, for some reason, you are unable to add a router to the Keenetic app, we recommend performing a factory reset and then repeating the procedure to add the router. Also, please read the information provided in the article Keenetic app troubleshooting.
The way to remotely add a router can be found in the article Adding a router remotely by its CID.
After adding your Keenetic router to the app, you will have access to its settings.
The start screen will show you all the routers you have added for management. Tap on the device whose settings you want to connect to.
Information describing the app features and available settings can be found in the Keenetic mobile application section.
Now, to test the remote control of your router via the Keenetic app, switch off Wi-Fi (WLAN) on your mobile device and switch on 4G/3G Internet.
In case for some reason, you are unable to set up a remote connection to your router via the app, please note the following:
Make sure that the system component Keenetic mobile application is installed. You can do this in the web interface on the System Settings page in the KeeneticOS Update and Component Options section by clicking on Component options.
Make sure that Keenetic Cloud access is enabled.
This setting can be found in the Keenetic Cloud Service for Mobile Applications menu on the General System Settings page.
For more information, see the article Keenetic app troubleshooting.
When using the Keenetic mobile application, please note the following:
The application is designed to work with devices running KeeneticOS version
and higher.Importante
Check which version of the OS is installed in your Keenetic router (it must be higher than
) and ensure that the Keenetic Cloud service is enabled in the router's settings.For details on how to do this, see at the end of this article.
If you add a Keenetic device to the application remotely via CID, the administrator password must be set on the router; otherwise, the connection won't be established.
When you add a router locally, the mobile device on which the application is installed must be connected to the router's main Home Wi-Fi network. If you are connected to a Guest network or any other segment isolated from the Home segment, you will not connect to the router through the application.
The Wi-Fi network name and password for the connection can be found on the back label of your Keenetic.
Turn on the Wi-Fi network on your mobile device, and in the list of available networks, find your network name. Click on it, then enter the Wi-Fi password to connect to the network (it is also shown on the back label) and click 'Connect'.
If a VPN connection is installed on the router or mobile device, application errors may occur. We recommend that you temporarily disconnect the VPN connection.
If your Keenetic device is located behind another router, ensure that there are no rules in its firewall settings that may block traffic to/from our Cloud servers.
On your mobile device, check that you have all the permissions necessary for the application to work.
In some situations, when you cannot connect to your Keenetic via the application or an error occurs when adding a Keenetic, try restarting it.
If you have changed the recommended component set in your router's operating system, make sure to install the special system component 'Cloud-based remote control and KeenDNS' required for the mobile application. You can do this in the web interface on the 'General system settings' page under 'Updates and components' by clicking on 'Component options'. By default, this component is installed in the router.
If you cannot add a router in the Keenetic mobile app, you can do it via the Keenetic Cloud web portal.
At the very least, if all previous options have been checked, you can reset the router to its factory settings.
Connect from your mobile device to your Keenetic's Wi-Fi network. Then open a web browser and type or in the address bar to connect to the router's web interface.

In the 'Username' field, type 'admin
' (in English lowercase letters).
In the 'Password' field, enter the administrator password for the router.
Important! The administrator password is not set by default (in the factory settings); the user sets it during the initial setup.
Click 'Log in' to continue.
If the connection is successful, you will see the web interface (Control Panel) screen of your Keenetic. Scroll down to the 'About the system' section. The 'OS version' line displays the current version of the KeeneticOS operating system. If an update is available, install it.

Click on or
(hamburger icon) in the upper left corner of the screen. The navigation menu will open on the sidebar. Scroll down and go to the 'System Settings' menu.
The switch must be set to 'On' in the 'Keenetic Cloud service for mobile applications' section.

We release regular updates, making your Keenetic's operating system faster, more functional and more secure. We recommend using the latest version of KeeneticOS. You can update KeeneticOS to the newest version via the Keenetic mobile application.
To update KeeneticOS to the latest available version, the router must be connected to the Internet.
Launch the application. On the 'Sites' screen, select the network to which you want to connect.
Make sure that your router is accessible and available for operation. You should see a green access status icon at the top of the 'My network' screen near the router name. Click on the router name to go to its settings.
On the main router screen, you will see the current version of KeeneticOS. The '!' icon appears near the current version number if an update is available. Go to the 'Management' menu and then to 'KeeneticOS' (or click on the version number for a quick jump).
The current version, update channel and update availability status will be specified on the KeeneticOS screen. If an update is available, click the button to install it.
If necessary, you can manually change the update channel of KeeneticOS (for example, to install a preview or dev build). To do so, tap on the update channel name and select the required one.
There are
three update channels
available:Official release (Recommended): Updates in this channel have been fully tested and are recommended for all users. It's updated roughly every two months.
Preview version: Select the Preview channel to be among the first to try the latest updates, performance improvements and new features with minimal risk. Preview versions are published twice a month.
Dev build: The Dev channel is updated weekly and shows our community what we are working on right now. Dev builds may be less polished.
By selecting the update channel and clicking the 'Device firmware update' button, you will see the message 'The device will reboot after installing the updates'. Click 'OK' to confirm or click 'NO' to cancel.
The router will reboot during the operating system update. As a result, the connection to the router will be lost for a few minutes but will be restored after the device is rebooted.
Wait for Keenetic to boot. In a
few minutes
, it will be available for management from the application again. Go to its settings.On the main router screen, you will see the current version of KeeneticOS. Make sure that the router operating system has been updated to the latest version. Go to 'Management' and then to 'KeeneticOS' and check that there are no updates and the newest version of the operating system is installed on the device.
If you do not want to check and install updates yourself, we recommend that you enable the 'Automatic updates' option. In this case, the latest version of KeeneticOS will always be installed on your router.
More information can be found in the KeeneticOS automatic updates instructions.
Starting with KeeneticOS
, we added the ability to set the schedule for automatic updates. In this case, an automatic update will take place within the specified period of time.If the Keenetic application is enabled to receive push notifications when updating the version of KeeneticOS on the router, the mobile device will receive such notification. For example:
With the Keenetic mobile application, you can set up notifications to receive information about events on the router in a way that suits you best. For example, you can receive notifications about changes in the status of your router (online/offline) or when the router switches to a backup connection.
The following alerts are currently available:
Connecting/disconnecting network devices.
A new device on the network.
The Keenetic device is offline.
The offline alert comes when no signals are received from the router to the cloud server. For example, it may be because the Internet is unavailable (no connection to the Keenetic Cloud server), the server waits for
10 minutes
and then generates a notification.The Keenetic device is online.
The online alert is received when a signal message from the router appears on the server after the 'Keenetic Offline' event has been triggered. It is generated by the server as soon as the first signal message is received.
The device has been booted up.
The router has been turned on/rebooted.
The Internet connection has switched.
The alert comes when the WAN connection on the router is changed. For example, switching from the main to the backup channel and vice versa.
KeeneticOS has been updated.
The notification comes when the KeeneticOS version on the router is changed.
Wi-Fi off / on.
The status of the family profile has changed.
Activating/deactivating the Internet for a family profile.
Security notifications (cannot be disabled):
Incorrect Keenetic device password entered to access from the Cloud;
A manager has been added to the location;
A manager has been removed from the location;
Change of encryption key on Keenetic device;
A new user has been added to a Keenetic device.
You can receive notifications in the following ways:
To an e-mail address;
By push notifications (from the Keenetic application on a mobile device);
In the Telegram messenger.
Install the Keenetic mobile application and add your device by following the instructions:
Launch the app and in the 'Locations' main screen, select the required network.

From the selected network settings screen, press 'Events'.

Click on 'Notifications'.

Select the events for which you want to be notified.

Please tap on the events that you want to be notified of when they occur. Select the notification methods. Tap a checkmark in the upper right corner of the screen to save the setting.

When you enable e-mail notifications, you will receive e-mails to the address you specified when registering your account. For example:

If you want to set up notifications to different e-mail addresses, you must first create accounts for these addresses on Keenetic Account and then add them as Location Managers.
When push notifications are enabled, they will arrive at your mobile device, where the Keenetic application is installed. For example:

The 'Events' screen keeps a log of completed notifications. To clear the log, press the 'Delete' icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Configuring Telegram notifications
To set up notifications via Telegram Bot (, mark the required notifications first.

And then generate a unique code by clicking 'Connect'.

Then go to the settings and register the obtained code.
Use the command /register [telegram-code]
For example: /register 2937a360-0d00-11e7-8029-xxxx
Wait for a confirmation message about registration 'Successful registration'.

If you get an 'invalid code' message when registering the key, be sure to run the /unregister
command and then register again. Also, make sure you copy the code without any extra characters, such as spaces.
Check the notifications afterwards.

If you want to make events come to your computer and be displayed in the system tray (notification area) of your Windows operating system, install the Telegram Desktop application on your PC. Event notifications will appear directly on top of open windows. In Telegram, this feature is enabled by default, and notifications appear in the lower right corner of the screen.
By default, the Wi-Fi network name and password (sometimes called the network key) are preconfigured in the factory settings of a Keenetic device. They are printed on the back label (on the bottom of the device case). For example:

You can change the Wi-Fi network name and password if you wish.
Launch the Keenetic application and on the 'Locations' screen, click on the network name to change the Wi-Fi name and password.

On the chosen network's dashboard screen in the mobile application, click on the router to go to its settings.

Then go to 'My networks'.

Click on the 'Home segment'.

Choose the Wi-Fi network.

In the Wi-Fi network settings, you can enter a new name of your wireless network in the 'SSID' field and enter a new password to access the Wi-Fi network in the 'Password' field. The new password must be between 8 and 63 characters
. Click the 'eye' icon on the right to check that the password is correct.
Click on the 'checkmark' icon in the upper right corner of the screen to save the settings.

Use a complex (strong) password for your Wi-Fi network. A strong password is preset in Keenetic devices by default, which is difficult to guess and takes a long time to pick up by a brute force method.
After changing your network name and password, you will need to reconnect
your wireless devices to the Keenetic router.
In the Keenetic mobile app, on the Connection screen, you need to enter the login and password for the administrator (admin
) account of the router. This is the same login and password used to connect to the router's web interface through a web browser.
If you see a login screen, this means that a password was previously set in the router. Usually, the password is set during the initial configuration of the router. There is no administrator password in the factory settings.

If you do not remember the password or do not know the password (e.g. the router has not been configured by you), please perform a factory reset of the router.
The administrator password for the router is not set by default
(factory default), but is set by the user during initial setup. If you do not know or have forgotten the administrator password, please use the Reset button on the router.
When you perform a reset, all user settings will be deleted. After the reset, you will need to configure the router to connect to the Internet from scratch. Before resetting, ensure you have all the information you need to set up your connection. If you need to know what settings are used to connect to the Internet, contact your ISP to obtain this information.
After the factory reset, configure and connect the router to the Internet. During the setup process, set a password for the router's administrator account.
Then, connect to the Keenetic router's Wi-Fi network. The Wi-Fi network name and password (network key) are printed on the label located at the bottom of the router's case.
When you see the login and password prompt again, enter admin
(in small English letters) in the 'Name' field and the router administrator password you set during the initial setup in the' Password' field.
You can change the admin password at any time via the Keenetic app (menu 'Management' > 'Users' > admin) or via the router's web interface.
Remember or save the router administrator password. You will need it later to add the router to the Keenetic app and when you connect to the router's web interface.
The Keenetic mobile app allows you to co-manage sites from different accounts and from different mobile devices.
When you share control of the router, you delegate authority with administrator privileges. Do not delegate access to people who might compromise the operation of the device, Internet connection, or application.
To share your router's management via the Keenetic app, add a manager to whom you will delegate the management rights. If configured correctly, the router will automatically appear for management on the manager's device.
Setting up access to sites must be done by the administrator. Do not add or remove available sites in the manager account. If you delete a site in one account, it will become unavailable in all other accounts used for shared management.
Here is an example. Suppose you want to share your router with someone else. Ask him to install the Keenetic mobile application on his mobile device, create his own account in it, and give you the e-mail address that was given during account registration. This account must be authorized in the Keenetic app at the moment of adding the manager.
Next, on the 'Sites' screen, click on the site management settings icon ('gear').

Under 'Network managers', click '+' to add an account that will be allowed access to the router.

Enter the e-mail address of the second account that was previously authorized in the app on another mobile device.

To confirm the e-mail address, the following message will be sent to the specified e-mail address:

Click on the link to accept the invitation.

The site with the router will appear automatically on the manager's mobile device. The management will be available in the Keenetic app and on the Keenetic Cloud web portal.

If necessary, you can delete a manager in the site management settings, and access to the router will be denied to him.

You can also manage a router from different mobile devices via the Keenetic app under one account.
If you use different accounts, keep in mind that when you add a router (via the 'Add Keenetic' button) to a new account, the router binding is removed from the old account. You can use this mechanism if, for some reason, you can't connect to your previously configured account. In this case, create a new account for the app, add the router to it, and it will be automatically removed from the old account.
Utilizzando l' Applicazione mobile Keenetic, è possibile scaricare il file di sistema self-test.txt
dal router.
Il file di sistema di self-test contiene informazioni complete sul sistema del router (senza password), informazioni diagnostiche, log di sistema e configurazione corrente. Se riscontri un problema con il router o con la connessione al tuo provider di servizi Internet, puoi inviare il file di self-test
al ns Supporto Keenetico per l'analisi e la diagnosi del problema.
Nel pannello di controllo dei siti, seleziona il dispositivo di cui desideri connetterti e poi clicca sul suo nome:

Vai a 'Gestione':

Clicca sul pulsante 'Scarica il file per il self-test ':

Verrà scaricato il file self-test.txt
file dal router al tuo dispositivo mobile.
Ora puoi inviare il file salvato al supporto Keenetic tramite posta.
Se lo scopo di salvare il file self-test.txt
è determinare la causa di un errore o di una disconnessione, è necessario attendere il verificarsi dell'errore o della disconnessione prima di salvare il file.