KeeneticOS release notes for Keenetic Buddy 4 (KN-3211) in the Main Channel
KeeneticOS releases in this channel have passed our full rigorous testing and are recommended to all users, to avoid issues and maximize capabilities. This channel is updated roughly every two-three weeks with minor releases, and every two months with major releases.
Keenetic Buddy 4 (KN-3211) is currently in the Standard Updates support period and receives regular software updates, including security enhancements, new features, operating system updates, and bug fixes.
Welcome to KeeneticOS version 4.2! As usual, we have several performance improvements and bug fixes, but our main focus for this update is to introduce the new Web Interface and further improve support for the IPv6 protocol in various KeeneticOS services.
The new Web Interface has a refreshed look, with light and dark themes to choose from, and carefully selected usability enhancements. We've moved to an updated framework that supports modern security enhancements.
It is now possible to update KeeneticOS on all devices in the Wi-Fi system with a single click. In addition, the Autoupdate function automatically manages the updates of the connected extenders according to the schedule of the main router.
This maintenance release for Keenetic Buddy 4 (KN-3211) has only minor changes.