In this section:
- Adding a router locally
- Adding a router remotely by its CID
- Managing home network with Netcraze app
- Netcraze mobile application troubleshooting
- Setting up your Netcraze via the mobile application
- Updating KeeneticOS from the mobile app
- Family profiles (parental controls)
- Blocking Internet access using the Netcraze app
- Setting notifications from your Netcraze
- Setting up notifications for turning on/off a specific home network device
- Removing an item from the client list
- Changing Wi-Fi network name and password
- Waking up a computer with WOL from the Netcraze app
- What login and password do I need to enter in the Netcraze app?
- Managing a router from different accounts with the Netcraze app
- Saving the self-test file with Netcraze app